
We chose to use recipes because they are a quick way to share practice but still flexible enough to change in different contexts. Recipes aim to be: practical, knowledgeable, and shareable. You can find out more in our Recipe for writing recipes.

Get Up, Stand Up

Author: Ricardo Sosa, PhD Background Perhaps you, like me, have always taught and presented at conferences in a standing position. As it turns out, how we use our bodies is as important in online interactions as it is in face-to-face situations. It took me a pandemic to fully appreciate this. This is a deceptively simpleContinue reading “Get Up, Stand Up”

12 Ways to Check your Briefs

Author: Ricardo Sosa, PhD Background Studio learning is a “signature pedagogy” of contemporary design education with origins in fine arts schools. These days there is a wide range of flavours and practices that characterise design studios, from basic foundation courses to student-led and capstone projects with industry. A critical component of all studio experiences isContinue reading “12 Ways to Check your Briefs”

Recipe: One-shot video

Time and location often challenges collaboration and rich communication. We often struggle to convey the details of our work when people are not present. A short, rough video can capture what is already “on the table” without the need for extra notes. Get others close to your thoughts and progress by sharing content and thinkingContinue reading “Recipe: One-shot video”

Recipe: Online final design reviews

Jolanda Morkel, Department of Architectural Technology and Interior Design, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South AfricaJo Berben, Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Hasselt University, BelgiumSteven Feast, Architecture and Interior Architecture, School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University, Australia Introduction The final design review, also known as the portfolio review or design jury, isContinue reading “Recipe: Online final design reviews”

Recipe: Nordic Rebels micromodules for engaging learning

Nordic Rebels is an award-winning* Finnish-Danish movement established in 2018 aiming at goosebumpifying learning. We rely on some of the famed Nordic values and strengths: openness and trust, storytelling and cuisine, design, and pedagogical competencies.  We have created publicly available design videos focusing on multidisciplinary teamwork, design processes, and skills for the future. Whilst shootingContinue reading “Recipe: Nordic Rebels micromodules for engaging learning”

Recipe: The live online desk crit

Architecture and design programs across the globe are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by rapidly moving learning and teaching online. Although there’s ample precedent for online theoretical learning, fewer examples of virtual and remote studios exist, specifically related to the online desk crit. The live online crits described here are conducted via webinar / webContinue reading “Recipe: The live online desk crit”

Virtual Design Studios

The design studio is a signature pedagogy in art and design education (Crowther 2013; Shulman 2005). It provides a physical, social and cultural place within which students can simulate real world practice without the associated risks and with expert practitioner and pedagogical support in the form of the studio tutor (Schön 1987; Kimbell 2011). Therefore,Continue reading “Virtual Design Studios”

Recipe: Podcasting for Learning

Audio is one of the oldest methods of distance education. Listening to informed and entertaining speakers can be a great imaginative learning experience. The ease of making a podcast coupled with great accessibility and low cost of producing professional sounding podcasts makes them a valuable tool in the distance learning toolbox. If you’ve never consideredContinue reading “Recipe: Podcasting for Learning”

Recipe: Motivating students working remotely

By Georgy Holden, Senior Lecturer in Design, The Open university Keeping students engaged and motivated is crucial at a distance – especially to avoid last-minute panics with assignments and projects. Research shows that distance students more than any other group are particularly sensitive to external factors and life events. But it also reveals that regular,Continue reading “Recipe: Motivating students working remotely”

Recipe: Co-designing with others during isolation

Many tasks design students have to do afford the interaction with others. If design students need to isolate at home, they might not know how to continue to engage in user research, creative sessions, co-design or design/user evaluation. There are several alternatives you can suggest to your students that allow them to continue to engageContinue reading “Recipe: Co-designing with others during isolation”

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