Distance Design Education


This site supports educators applying distance and online teaching methods in design and is supported by the Design Research Society Education SIG and The Open University (UK) Design Group.


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Futures of Design Education: Riding the New Wave

The 17th Futures of Design Education discussion featured some of the Manchester Metropolitan University team talking about their experiences during emergency pandemic teaching, arguing that we are still Riding the New Wave. Jon, Sarah and Peter shared examples of their online, blended and hybrid studio spaces, posing a series of critical questions for all design…

Design Education: Teaching in Crisis

At the end of 2021 we published the special issue Design Education: Teaching in Crisis in the Journal of Design and Technology Education (DATE). This brought together 16 articles from academics around the world to present articles, case studies and opinion pieces based on their experiences during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020/21, Over the next…


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