Learn X Design 2023 Call for Papers – Futures of Design Education
The DRS Education Special Interest Group has announced a Call for Papers for Learn X Design 2023. The call theme is: Futures of Design Education. The deadline for full submission is 30 May 2023 Full details of the call can be found here: https://learnxdesign2023.wordpress.com/ From the call: It was not possible to organise a traditional…
Design Education: Teaching in Crisis
At the end of 2021 we published the special issue Design Education: Teaching in Crisis in the Journal of Design and Technology Education (DATE). This brought together 16 articles from academics around the world to present articles, case studies and opinion pieces based on their experiences during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020/21, Over the next…
Design Education: Teaching in Crisis
Last year we opened a call for papers to capture some of the experiences and lessons from design educators during the Covid-19 global pandemic. We are delighted to announce the publication of a Special Issue of the Journal of Design and Technology Education (DATE): Design Education: Teaching in Crisis The Special Issue contains 16 articles,…
DRS 2022 Call for Papers: Futures of Design Education
DEADLINE: 24 November 2021 +++ DEADLINE EXTENDED to 1 DECEMBER 2021 +++ SUBMISSION LINK: https://www.conftool.pro/drs2022/index.php?page=newPaper&form_contributiontypeID=86&newpaper=true CONFERENCE WEBSITE: https://www.drs2022.org/ FORMAT DETAILS: Articles of (5000 words). Template: https://www.drs2022.org/papers/ CALL DETAILS: A DRS PluriSIG and EdSIG joint track proposal. The effects of dominant curricula in design education are now being recognised in education practice and research, in particular…
DRS 2022 Call for Papers: Studio Matters
DEADLINE: +++ DEADLINE EXTENDED to 1 DECEMBER 2021 +++ SUBMISSION LINK: https://www.conftool.pro/drs2022/index.php?page=newPaper&form_contributiontypeID=84&newpaper=true CONFERENCE WEBSITE: https://www.drs2022.org/ FORMAT DETAILS: Articles of (5000 words). Template: https://www.drs2022.org/papers/ CALL DETAILS: The centrality of studio to design education has been challenged during the pandemic as educators have adopted distance and online learning and teaching methods (Marshalsey and Sclater, 2020). Change to…
Special Issue and Call for Papers – Alternative Studios: Design Education Changes in 2020
Call for Papers for a Special Issue in Design and Technology Education: An International Journal titled Alternative Studios: Design Education Changes in 2020 Call for abstracts deadline: 28 February 2021 Full paper deadline: 30 April Publication: June or October 2021 (dependant on submissions) Guest Editors: Derek Jones, The Open University (UK) Nicole Lotz, The Open…
BEL+T designs a DIAgram … a relational framework for teaching online
The DIAgram as a relational framework for moving design learning and teaching online, and as a designed response to a very wicked problem.
Taking care of mind and body – the Corona Semester as a challenge for the ‘leib’
A working note. By Andreas Ken Lanig. In this article I would like to discuss a few of these and reflect on particular experiences from distance learning that can be helpful in countering such deficits. I’m sure you’ve experienced this too in these strange days – Staff and students are doubly tired: First, the amount…
The Science and Poetry of Messy thinking
This is a cross post from Design@Open This post started out as a few reflections on a few distance design education events I attended recently, where most of the discussions did not centre around online vs face-to-face or technology and IT services. Instead, discussion focused on learning and teaching – basic stuff, like ideas around…
Towards an ecosystem-of-learning for architectural education: random concepts as prompts and provocations
By Jolanda Morkel and Hermie Delport* This article is based on an online presentation delivered on 22 May 2020 for the Teaching Architecture Online: Methods and Outcomes seminar, organised by Curtin University and Özyeğin University, titled ‘Responsive Ecosystems for Architectural Education’ (Morkel & Delport, 2020). In this article, we propose that, rather than the on-ground-online…
The Guide to Creating Distance Design Courses is finally here!
As noted in this post, it’s been a bit quiet because time’s gone into producing the new guide for Creating Distance Design Courses, which is now available here: https://distancedesigneducation.com/creating-distance-design-courses/ It took a bit longer than expected (it started out as a blog post but ended up being a 20k word monster!), so there’s a few…
From denial to acceptance: a turning point for design studio in architecture education
James Benedict Brown At the time of writing, in early May 2020, most architecture educators have passed through all five stages of the Kübler-Ross model of grief: denial, anger, depression, bargaining, acceptance (Kübler-Ross, 1969). We spent the first two months of the year in a politically-sanctioned period of denial. When it became apparent that the…
The preliminary successes and drawbacks of a turn to distance design studio learning.
Dr Lorraine Marshalsey SFHEA It seems the technological campuses of tomorrow have manifested today as an essential and spontaneous response to the COVID-19 world outbreak. This article briefly discusses the current pivot from an on-campus physical design studio curriculum towards a distance learning and online delivery model in higher education. Many universities have quickly re-focused…
Using remote and onscreen laboratories in online learning
This was original published by Helen Lockett in Design education On April 8, 2020. As many Universities need to quickly move their learning online during the current coronavirus crisis, we have received many questions about our remote and virtual laboratories. This blog collects together useful information about our OpenSTEM Labs and provides links to online…
Editorial: Ed Tech defining design curriculum
If you’d asked me ‘What drives your design curriculum?’ a few weeks ago I wouldn’t have said Zoom. I’ll shortly have to add a whole list of other technologies, services and ed-tech that are emerging as “class leaders” (That was a satirical pun, by the way). This tech changes how we teach. But I’d argue…
Assessment – some notes
Edited by Derek Jones and Jolanda Morkel Meetup 02 focused on assessment and in particular on what changes design educators are considering in response to current crises. You can find the live notes from the session here. If anyone from the session spots anything we’ve missed or wishes to edit anything then please let me…
Virtual Design Studios
The design studio is a signature pedagogy in art and design education (Crowther 2013; Shulman 2005). It provides a physical, social and cultural place within which students can simulate real world practice without the associated risks and with expert practitioner and pedagogical support in the form of the studio tutor (Schön 1987; Kimbell 2011). Therefore,…
Some academic work on Distance Design Education
There isn’t much research into distance design education and what does exist tends to be informal and/or case study based. This is slowly changing as both design and education research has matured and developed over the past few decades. The excerpts in this post are draft versions of work in progress exploring Virtual Design Studios…
Distance and online design education – a (not so) quick introduction
This is a cross-post from http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/design/distance-and-online-design-education-a-not-so-quick-introduction/ This is a quick post after a few online discussions and question around how to start with distance (and online) design education – thanks to @ZhenpingLiow, @_p_antonio and others). It’s a quick summary of a few key concepts and ideas for any design teachers or tutors needing to think…
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